Interview Questions - Part 3

Interview Questions You May Be Asked

In this three part series we are going to take a look at some possible interview questions that you may be asked. Before attending an interview you should think about your responses to the following questions. Your answers may depend on the job or company in questions, so you should go through your responses just before each interview. 


How Long Have Your Been Looking For A New Job?

If you have been unemployed for a long time this may be a rather tricky question to answer. But be honest. If you have been away on holiday or done some voluntary work you could mention this. 

Do You Prefer to Work in a Small, Medium or Large Company?

Remember where you are! If the company interviewing you is a small to medium sized company say that you enjoy a close atmosphere with a good team spirit. At a large company say that you enjoy the stability of working for a large and established company. 

What Are You Looking For In A New Job?

Make sure your answer fits in with the company who is interviewing you. A suitable reply would be that you are looking for a new job where you can apply you existing skills and learn new ones. 

What Would Your Ideal Job Be?

Again, remember where you are! Describe the job in terms of the criteria they have used to describe their job. An ideal job might include things like challenging work, a fair rate of pay for the job, nice colleagues, good career prospects, good team atmosphere, opportunity to learn new skills, apply old skills, etc. 

Are You Considering Any Other Positions At The Moment?

If you are, say so, but do not give too many details away - it will weaken your negotiating position later. If you do not have any other job offers at the moment just say that you have a few irons in the fire. 

What Did You Think Of You Manager / Supervisor?

Say that he/she was the sort of person you could learn from and you communicated well, which meant that the task in hand was completed on time. 

What Did You Do On A Day-To-Day Basis?

Stress the positive things you did including your achievements. Even if some or much of it was paperwork, you can still show your interest in the way it was tackled. 

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