Workforce Management Services | Case Study
Saudi Arabia Driving Equality
Workforce Management Services,
Recruitment Services
Oil and Energy
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Driving Equality
Case study about how Leap29 helped launch Saudi Arabia’s First Female-Focused Driving School, helping to support Saudi Arabia Driving Equality.
The Challenge
In 2018, Saudi Arabia announced that women would be allowed to drive – a monumental step forward for gender equality worldwide. In support of this historic change, our client planned to establish a driving school specifically for their female employees and sought our expertise to identify a leader capable of managing and delivering the school’s training programs.
The role of Driving Centre Principal required a female candidate with extensive experience training women to drive to European or American standards. This individual would oversee the setup and launch of the driving school, act as its primary leader, and develop and deliver training materials for both students and instructors.
Our Solution
Although this was a unique role for Leap29, we were eager to take on the challenge. We began by identifying a pool of qualified candidates in the UK with specialised experience in teaching women to drive.
We managed every step of the process, from coordinating cross-country interviews to navigating the offer stage. Leveraging our deep understanding of Saudi Arabia, we effectively communicated the role’s benefits and provided insights into what the candidate could expect.
Additionally, we supported the successful candidate’s relocation, handling workforce management services and streamlining the visa process.
Our Results
Leap29 successfully identified the ideal candidate to meet our client’s unique requirements. The chosen candidate was a highly experienced female driving instructor with over 20 years of teaching expertise. Notably, she had founded one of the UK’s first women-only driving schools in the 1990s.
Beyond possessing the necessary qualifications and experience, she brought a genuine passion for leading this impactful project, ensuring its success.
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