Helping Businesses Expand Into Germany As The Leading PEO Provider

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Expand into new markets with the leading Germany PEO partner

Leap29's tailored Germany PEO Services manage the employment of your global hires, supporting your company's international expansion into Germany.

  • Ensure compliance with German employment laws.
  • Manage international hires, taxes, benefits, insurance, visa applications and payroll.
  • Best value Germany PEO with no hidden fees.
  • Bespoke employee management platform included.

Acting as your Professional Employer Organisation partner in Germany, we can alleviate these responsibilities from your shoulders, permitting you to focus on expanding your business globally and securing top talent and top clients. Fill out the form today for a free quote!


Bespoke employee management software included in our PEO service.


We have expert teams across the world to ensure global compliance.


Avoid hidden costs and account for our fee with our transparent pricing.

What Our PEO Clients Say...
"For the last few years, we have worked very closely with Simon and the team at Leap29 on a number of different projects in multiple countries across the globe. Leap29 have been a fantastic partner for us and are always willing to think with us to find the best solution. The communication with the team at Leap29 has always been excellent and Simon, in particular, is great to work with! They come highly recommended from us!"

Peter Yerardi,

Expand into Europe's strongest economy using our leading PEO services in Germany

With one of the largest GDPs in the world, Germany has fast become one of the most popular European locations for business expansion. This is particularly true in automotive, engineering, healthcare and service industries, which are some of the country's more dominant areas of economic growth.

Despite all this, businesses can be put off expanding into Germany due to regimented international labour laws and regulations. In fact, Germany are particularly well known for their strict employment laws which include strong worker protections such as:

  • Full pay for the first 6 weeks of sick leave
  • 20 days annual holiday entitlement
  • Strict limits around working on public holidays and Sundays
  • Written employment contracts required by law
  • Employees must not work more than 48 hours per week or 8 hours per day
  • Full paid maternity leave
  • Strict employment termination law to prevent unfair dismissal

Since 2017, firms employing in Germany are also required to have an AUG or temporary license. These licensing requirements are notoriously ill-defined and vague meaning that budding businesses can easily run the risk of non compliance. 

With such strict employment laws combined with the introduction in recent years of an AUG, expanding into Europe's largest economy has become challenging to say the least. This is where our leading and best value PEO services come in. 

Your Recruitment and PEO Partner in Germany

Expanding into any country can be a time consuming, complex process. By acting as your Professional Employer Organisation partner, we can support your expansion without you needing to establish a legal entity in Germany. This means you can focus on your business growth knowing that German employment regulations have been met.

PEO Services in Germany

German employment law is particularly strict and complicated, and as such requires huge attention to detail. German employment laws, combined with managing employment contracts, taxes, benefit, insurances, visa applications and payroll, can make expanding into Germany more costly and complex than businesses had anticipated. 

At Leap29 we can take all of the above off your shoulders by managing the employment of your international hires. This means you can gain easy yet compliant access to the German market without setting up a legal entity. 

Payroll Services in Germany

Using the latest technology, our international payroll services ensure that your employees are paid accurately and on time, taking the responsibility, and the stress, away from you. We can tailor payroll solutions to your individual requirements, from paying one employee to a whole workforce. 

Recruitment Solutions in Germany

Recruitment can be a minefield for businesses at the best of times, but navigating Germany's legal requirement for a written employment contract, regulations around working hours, holiday entitlement and strict sick and maternity leave stipulations can be even more of a challenge.  By using our tailored, comprehensive recruitment approach, our recruitment experts can help you find the top talent in Germany.

Why Choose Leap29 as your Recruitment and PEO Partner?

Expanding your business globally and navigating international employment is challenging for any business.  But, with knowledge of Germany's strict employment legislation and extensive experience dealing with AUG licensing requirements, Leap29 can make global expansion easier. We have a team of recruitment and PEO experts fully certified and well versed on German employment laws who are ready and waiting to help you expand your business, regardless of company size or sector. 

With over 20 years of experience providing recruitment services to businesses across multiple sectors, including Engineering and Construction, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Renewable Energy and Technology, we can be the trusted PEO partner of choice for businesses expanding in Germany.  

By letting us take care of your international recruitment and employment, you can compete in one of Europe's largest economies without the time, cost and restrictions of a legal entity.

If you want to find out more about how our PEO Services in Germany can support your international expansion, contact our team using the form below, email [email protected], or call us on +44 (0) 20 8129 6860 to get started.

PEO Services by Location

Wherever you are based, and wherever you are looking to expand, Leap29 have PEO experts waiting to support you. Our teams are 100% compliant with relevant licenses for all countries, giving you full peace of mind that your company's expansion is in safe and specialist hands.

Want to find out more about our PEO Services in Germany?

Contact us today to see how Leap29 can be the trusted PEO and recruitment partner that supports your expansion into Germany.