Your questions on PEO services and global expansion answered

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It goes without saying that expanding your business is a pretty big deal. Passing over some of that expansion to a PEO can therefore feel like a large step. It’s understandable therefore that clients have a lot of questions about PEO services. We’re here to answer as many of those as we can with our PEO FAQs.

What is a Professional Employer Organisation (PEO)?

Perhaps the most common question we get asked is what exactly is a PEO? Put simply, a PEO offers employee management services. This can include anything from the handling of employment contracts, taxes, benefits, insurances, visa applications and payroll.

What are the benefits of a PEO?

Expanding your business, especially on a global scale, is an incredibly complex process that can take up extensive time and resources. By managing your global expansion, complying with international employment laws on your behalf and helping to onboard employees all without you needing to set up a legal entity, a PEO takes the pressure of global expansion away from you, freeing up time and resources as well as saving you money in the long term.

Read more on the benefits of a PEO here.


Bespoke employee management software included in our PEO service.


We have expert teams across the world to ensure global compliance.


Avoid hidden costs and account for our fee with our transparent pricing.

What businesses need a PEO?

Put simply, any size or sector of business can employ a PEO. Start ups and small businesses especially favour working with a  PEO to save on resources an time.

At Leap29 we frequently offer PEO services for businesses working in technology,  Engineering and Construction, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Renewable Energy and Technology.

How much does a PEO cost?

At Leap29, our PEO services are tailored to each business that we work with. Therefore, our costs vary from client to client. For a bespoke quote and proposal, don’t hesitate to contact our team today.

Can a PEO help me with recruitment?

Yes, at Leap29 we provide international recruitment services in addition to our PEO service. With over 20 years of experience and a network with over 150+ countries, we have the knowledge and experience to help you acquire the top talent.

Why choose Leap29 as your international PEO?

The market is full with a range of PEO companies and deciding which one to trust with your global expansion can be difficult. At Leap29, we have been helping businesses advance by providing reliable recruitment and employment management support for over 20 years.

Where do I pay tax when using a global PEO?

More often than not, you will pay tax in the country that you are employing someone in. As your PEO partner we will take care of your tax and national insurance contributions, taking the liability from your shoulders.

How many employees can I use a PEO for?

As many or as little as you like. Whether you are employing one person, or a full international workforce, Leap29 can offer you expert PEO services.

What countries do you offer PEO services to?

At Leap29 we offer global PEO services. With a network within over 80 countries we are well placed to provide PEO services on an international level. So whether you are expanding into Singapore, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates or Germany, we can be the PEO partner you can trust.

If you have further questions about our PEO Services, call our experts today on 020 8129 6860 or email [email protected].


PEO Services by Location

Wherever you are based, and wherever your business is looking to expand, Leap29 have PEO experts ready to support you. We are compliant with the relevant licenses worldwide to give you peace of mind that your company's expansion is in specialist, safe hands.

PEO Services by Location

Wherever you are based, and wherever you are looking to expand, Leap29 have PEO experts waiting to support you. Our teams are 100% compliant with relevant licenses for all countries, giving you full peace of mind that your company's expansion is in safe and specialist hands.

Want to find out more about our PEO Services?

Contact us today to see how Leap29 can be the trusted PEO and recruitment partner that supports your global expansion.